Awwww Sunday! That day of rest, of relaxation and family. That day we both love and dread, because Monday isn't far behind.
Sunday's at our house in Texas were always special. Never quite knew what the day was going to be.
Some Sundays I would declare it "don't HAVE to day" meaning just that. Nothing HAD to be done. I didn't HAVE to cook, Matt didn't HAVE to do any honey do jobs, the boys didn't HAVE to clean their rooms. You didn't have to do anything you didn't want to do. Of course that meant you might not eat and you might have no clean dishes and you might run out of gas but was worth it.
And I loved "pajama day"! Just lounging around in your jammies all day....ahhhhh, freedom! But if someone happened to drop before they see you in your favorite, less than flattering attire! Dang company anyhow!!
Breakfast in bed was always a treat and I have to say I was on the receiving end of that deal a few times and it's pretty nice. It was okay that my eggs were hot and my toast cold. Just because I knew how to make everything come out at the same time didn't mean that Matt and boys
Those Sunday drives with no particular destination were the BEST! Loved to just get in the car and drive. Seeing the country side, watching nature fly by the open windows. Maybe stopping for a bit to eat or wandering around a local store, watching the people. Taking the kids along when they were younger, leaving them home when they no long found our company inviting.
Sundays are different for me now. I often travel down memory lane while sitting alone in my living room without so much as the TV for company. Sometimes I might browse through photos. On occasion I call family or friends to see what's new with them. If I have "don't have to day" no one knows. "Pajama day" happens any day of the week I don't want to get dressed. Breakfast in bed occurs when I make a bowl of cereal and take it back in my bedroom, lol. And Sunday adventures in the car a thing of the past, a wonderfully sweet memory.
But you know what, I am blessed to have these memories. Blessed to have had those precious times.
It's time to move forward, I have more memories to make and share with my loved ones.
Live is good!! Live it!!!