As I sit here this morning along side my sweet David I am reminded of simple things. Simple things we often take for granted. Simple things that might sound dull or boring to others when shared. I love the simple things with him. Even the simple things are comforting and exciting at the same time. Right now we are both on our laptops, he is reading articles to help me better understand my new chrome book and android and I am writing about him. Both pursuing our interests but sharing the same space. Just being next to him makes everything sweeter. Looking up and watching him scroll through the articles he is browsing makes me smile. Reaching out and touching his hand brings such pleasure. Talking quietly about technology is rewarding to my heart. Even when silent we are sharing our existence. We are both very aware of the other. We have both come to the conclusion that our world is a better place with the other being a part of it. The feeling of awe in my spirit makes me giddy. The completeness I feel with him next to me is indescribable. How did I get so lucky?
Everyday is special because we experience things anew! What do I mean by that? When I got up this morning, as I do every morning, it was the first time I ever woke up on this date, Tuesday July 7, 2015. It's the first time I lived on this date and in essences every single thing I do today will be new to this day! So if I don't take things for granted everything can be new and exciting! I can see things with new eyes. Experience things from a new prospective and appreciate things I didn't appreciate yesterday.
I am excited that I get to spend several days with my wonderful man and I can tell you, I plan to make the most of it. I plan to be appreciative of him and his kindnesses, I plan to show kindness and love at every opportunity. I plan to make sweet memories and enjoy every moment we share. It is the first time we have shared THIS day together. I am so very thankful to have the opportunity to show him how special and important he is to me. I am grateful to be able to spend this time with him. And I am extremely lucky to have him in my life!! And you know what? He is extremely lucky to have me too! We are a good fit and balance each other out very well. We are beyond lucky to have found each other and we both are very aware of that fact! We reached an agreement early on in our relationship that I would teach him to fly and he would teach me to touch down safely. And that works for us.
Today I will live my life to the fullest and I will share my dreams and love with this wonderful man! Life is so good and I am so happy that I get to live it with David by my side. I am happy to share him with my family and friends. I am flying high and know that when I'm ready to land I will be safely directed in for a smooth landing by my rock of a man! Life is it and love it!!!!