Life is like a checking account. Anyway that's how I look at it. I need to look at my check register and make sure I am still in the black.
What do I mean by this? I'll be happy to tell you!
When I wake up in the morning I have funds in my life checking account. Each time I extend a kindness, go above and beyond in a situation to please someone, or even smile or speak to a stranger I am writing checks on those funds. Sometimes I am writing checks and never even leave the house. If a friend is having a rough time and I listen on the phone, I am emotionally investing and therefore writing a check on my account. Occasionally I write checks on my account without coming in contact with a person. If I have had a struggle with someone and it comes to mind and I mull it over and over in my brain I am depleting my account.
So what happens when I run out of funds in my account? I start bouncing checks. I am in the red! If I don't take action I can quickly become bankrupt!
The best way to stay in the black is to be very very careful how many checks you write. Always making sure that you have the funds to cover it before you write it. And most importantly take all deposits offered!
A deposit is a kindness showed to you, a kind word, a hug, a smile from someone special, a compliment or even waking up to sunshine. The balance goes up on your account and you feel confident to start writing checks again.
I have found that if I write a check I really don't want to write it decreases my account even more quickly. And before the day is over I am bouncing checks!
Saying yes when I really mean no also gets my life checking account in big trouble! I am going to have to learn to say no, mean it and stick to it.
Life is good....keep an eye on your checking account so you have the funds to LIVE it!!!!