To say my memory isn't as good as it once was is an understatement. I am thinking that sometimes that is not a bad thing! I only wish it weren't such a selective thing. Seems some good things are forgotten all too quickly where things that aren't so pleasant hang in there and bug me.
Just what am I to do with those things, albeit little things mostly, that bug the crap out of me? It can even be things that I tell myself I am going to forget about and not worry about. And then....just when I haven't thought about in a long time, I get into a funk ...and BAM.....right in the forefront of my thoughts! To fester and poke at my and add to my pile of crap!!!
Like life doesn't have enough drama without me getting my shorts in a knot because I loaned someone some money (not a lot) and I didn't want to and now I want to tell her how it aggravated me. Or another friend I try to help who always lets me buy the stamps and gas, sometimes I take here out or to dinner, but she takes her other friends out when she has money. And there are the friends that tell me ....if you need me I'll be there for you and whenever I have finally reached the point where I reach out....they aren't available? Their memories are short too and I KNOW that I need to not take it personal, but I kinda do.
Where in heck was I going with this...see I told you memory was not the greatest! LOL
Guess I just needed to vent a little bit. I know other people are in the same boat and I realize I have been on the dishing out end of the said bad memory experience. I hope I learn and keep my word and don't impose on people. I hope I can always be a good friend and own it if I mess up. But I always know that I have friends that will forget and forgive just as I do.
I feel better just letting this out.
Without a lot of enthusiasm at this moment I continue to say.....Life is GOOD, Live it!!!