Whew! This morning I woke up way too early for a Saturday so I decided to utilize the time and go for a long walk and do some really serious thinking about an man issue I am having. You know exercise the body and the mind and solve my problems at one time!
So I donned the work out clothing and off I went. As I walked out of the building into the warm morning air I thought how quiet my little town is that early on a Saturday morning. Walking downhill to the walking bridge I let my weight carry me forward effortlessly. Crossing the bridge I saw the fish jumping after the morning bugs and immediately thought of Matthew, he so loved to fish. Crossing into town I saw a man, obviously still a little intoxicated from the night before, stumble out of the parking lot looking a little perplexed, I'm thinking he is trying to remember last night. I giggle to myself.
Enough, I think to myself, what are you going to do about your problem? As I move down Main Street at a brisk pace I am annoyed that the mosquitoes are still out! Who knew? I was thinking that I was moving fast enough that they wouldn't bite me, but NO....they stick to the sweat and bite my forehead! Damnit!
I pass the VFW where a friend of ours had the bar years ago. What fun we had there. I see the Christmas lights up in the big tree and think about the tree lighting that takes place there each year. I love my little town. I move past the house where my boys friend used to live before she was killed in a tragic car accident, and I think of her family and friends having to live without her. Shaking it off I am determined to think about my problems now, time to come up with a way to deal with them.
I turn on to Purner Street and a man with 2 dogs is coming up the street toward me. Now anyone who knows me very well knows I am a little bit afraid of strange dogs, especially big ones. These were big enough and looked to me like they may be sizing me up for breakfast. So I stared straight ahead and kept moving, although a bit stiffer. To my relief the man kept them in check and they passed without so much as sniffing me! Again I crossed over the river and gazed out over the peaceful waters and thought about how lucky I am to live here. A little bit farther down the road I notice a gazillion ants on the sidewalk. If I hurry through them they won't have time to crawl up my leg and bite me...sure hope they don't stick to my socks...or sweat! Made it, no ant attack!
I continue on noticing the squirrels and the little bunny foufous and the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees, hey sounds like a song....but wait. What about my problem, I am headed toward the home stretch and I haven't even come close to figuring out how to handle it. I slow my pace as I pass the high school, knowing that now I have to go uphill to get back home. Uphill, my least favorite part. As I start my climb I realize that no matter which direction I come from, my house is uphill. But to get where I can rest, where I am comfortable and want to be I must travel uphill. Life is full of uphills, minor inconveniences, little hills and big mountains, life's major events. I realize I have a huge smile on my face. That wasn't there when I left earlier. Walking around, being reminded of what's important, what I love about where I live, and NOT focusing on my problem was the best action. I can deal with those later, what were they again? That uphill battle is for another day another time. To get home, we may have to travel uphill, to solve or problems we have to travel uphill, but eventually we will get there.
Life is good!!!! Live it!!!!