...and don't judge them. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
That is rule #4 of the 7 cardinal rules in life. Very sound advice indeed!
I find myself envious of some people and what appears to be their "charmed" life. I sometimes want what others possess, sometimes material things, but more often less tangible things, their body shape, their relationship, their ability to be happy with what life brings. When I read this rule I realize that not all things are as they seem. I remember that karma has no favorites and the powers that be do not discriminate when it comes to dishing out problems, unfortunate circumstances and drama in life.
At times I think some people have it all and never suffer from unfairness or mishaps in life. Some of these people I envy and wish I could be in their shoes. But then, I would be them and not me! My choices would be different and my outcome would be mine not theirs. And at the end of the day, behind closed doors what is their life really like? I am assuming their lives are all rainbows and unicorns. I am seeing what they project, as we all do. That does not always mean I know that person or their circumstances and life.
I know a person that I always felt got far more than they deserved in life. Always got the benefit of the doubt, always got the breaks, was always the luckiest person I knew. This person had someone to love and care for. I was jealous beyond belief. Only to realize one day that this was all a front! Their life was absolutely not a perfect picture, far from it. All that comparison I did was based on pure fantasy. I understood that I had it far better. That should have taught me a lesson, and in reality it did. Once in a while I do find myself wishing I had this or that that so in so has, or looked like her or had her strength or a relationship like theirs, I am human.
We all have a different path we must walk in life. Occasionally our paths cross and we may experience a bond along the way with someone who adds to our life experience. It is often only for a season or two. Don't take these meetings for granted. Enjoy them and learn from them and never judge or envy these people you encounter. They are unique. You are unique, I am you unique.
I do things my way just as you do things your way. We may have a meeting of the minds and share some tips or secrets on life that are useful, we may not agree on all things, but that's what makes life happen.
I am happy to be me! I wouldn't want anyone else's life. I don't want to compare my life anymore. I have experienced things in my life that I would never trade, that are embedded in my heart and will be treasured until the day I die. My life is good, it's MY life and as I seek to make it even better I will do things my way and not compare my life to others. I know my journey and they know theirs. May everyone's journey be all they hope for.