I have not blogged for a while now. Why? Didn't want to hear the truth, didn't want to write the truth? Perhaps you don't want to hear it either?
Here's the cold naked truth...most of us are freuds?
Yes in one way or another we are all fakes. Knockoffs, wanna be's or fabrications. I am not withstanding of these phony's. I say one thing, and maybe for the moment I mean it. I do something else, always with a reason. I tolerate dishonesty, I swallow falsehoods, I excuse ignorance. I accept things I abhor. I turn the other way when the truth is ugly or unpleasant. I keep the truth from my friends when it might shine unfavorable on me or on them. Anyway you look at it it is lies!! Pure lies.
Oh don't stop me now I'm on a roll!!
At this point in time I cannot stand arguments. So how do I handle them......I walk away. My feeling is that I won't justify their merit and simply leave without entering into it. It serves it purpose. I don't waste my time, energy or effort, nor do I help resolve an issue. Cowards way out....perhaps...but I get home unscathed and self righteous. Do I have an opinion? You bet I do. But no one can prove me wrong because I never entered it for the record.
There was a time when I made sure I was heard, that my stand had recognition. But you know what? I made no stand that held merit. It was and still is only my opinion. Why should my opinion hold more weight than anyone else's. I only know what I know for ME! What's right for me may not be right for anyone else on the planet. Who am I to judge. I can offer my experience to anyone who is going through similar circumstance and I so will, welcome to it. But just because it did or didn't work for me may have NO bearing on you and what you are walking through. As individuals we all walk a different path and march to different drummers. Who I love and who I need to make me happy may be total and complete crap to you, just as who you love and who you need to make you happy may totally baffle me. Who's wrong and who's right? Dose it matter?
Every moment of every single day is a mystical time when only we know what is happening. We need to be in tune what our surroundings. Only we need know what is happening. Only we will reap the benefits. We need to be who we are, what we are and glean what we receive.
Yes we care about those around us and in our lives. Yes we want what is best for them, but, it is not our responsibility to make them better people or make them believe in themselves. It is hard enough to take care or ourselves!!
I don't mean to sound selfish or self-centered. But NO one is going to look out for me the same way I can look after ME. Only I know my heart. Only I know what makes me happy. Only I know who I truly am. Maybe only one moment at a time if that.
I am making a commitment to ME right here, right now, to take care of me!! I love my friends, I love my family but we were all dealt the same cards. We are all in the game of life. We can stay, we can fold or we can play the hand we have. I know me, I know what kind of person I am, I know I like me and want what is best for me. It is time to bet it all and quit bluffing and win. I am no longer willing to be something I am not. I am no longer willing to bluff. Like me or not I don't care. I will stand for me and me alone. I won't make a scene, I won't play light, I will play my cards, walk away with my head held high and fade into the night. I have no point to make, just living life my way to the very best of my ability!!
It is my life, I will live it my way, not out to offend anyone or change anyone. It's your life....you live anyway you want....I'll not interfere with you and I ask that you be as respectful of me......If I want your opinion or advice I promise I will ask for it.
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