I find it funny to watch people's expressions when I do or say something that surprises or shocks them. I am such a people person, very open and willing to share what's going on in my life or my thoughts, as they pertain to ME. I am not, however, a people pleaser. When asked I will tell the truth as I see it. I am not saying I am always right, far from it, but what I say is the truth in my mind. If my friend tries something new in fashion and they ask me what I think, I tell them what I think. I would never intentionally hurt their feelings and might try very hard to sugar coat a bad review, but if I didn't like it they would know it.
I do not go out of my way to push my opinions on others. After all if it's none of my business what they think about me therefore it is none of their business what I think about them. I don't have the time (okay maybe I do have too much time on my hands most days) or the energy to make sure they know what I think about them. My friends all know that I love them and in doing so I don't judge them and I accept them as they are. Yes once in a while some of my friends do foolish things (as do I)and I might have some negative thoughts. I don't rush over and tell them. Why? Because it's none of my business. And it's none of their business what I think. If they want to know what I think they will certainly ask me. Then I can offer only my opinion. They can take it for what's it worth.
I know people who don't think very highly of me. You know what? I don't care. I don't expect or want everyone to like me. If everyone liked me I would think I had to be fake somewhere along the line, or at the very least compromising some of my beliefs. By the same token there are people out there that I don't like. A lot of the people I don't like know it. And I don't care that they know it. I will remain civil to them as long as they don't push. I don't have to like everyone. I don't have to tell them why I don't like them, that's my business.
The person I have to please, and believe me when I say that's not always an easy task, is ME! The person I have to listen to and answer to is ME! It is my business what I think about me and what I have to do to succeed in making me happy. If I am too busy worrying about what everyone else thinks of me I miss what is important to me. Have I made the right choices for me? So-and-so thinks I need to do this or that and I should feel this way or that way. No! It doesn't matter what they think, they are not living my life. They are not taking my journey. They don't answer the questions asked by my heart.
Don't get me wrong, I struggle often. If I want advice or feel the need for intervention or support I will ask. I will listen. I will heed sound advice. I will take that advice and make it my business and apply it to my circumstance.
Living in a small town I often hear things that are truly NONE of my business. I don't like gossip! I don't care how many people know a certain person and all of their baggage I don't want to hear it, unless the person comes to me and tells me their self it is NONE of my business. It is none of my business even when they do tell me actually, and many times I don't want to hear it then!! If I can help you in some way I will certainly try my best. If you need to vent I can understand that and will listen....if it's about YOU! Please don't come and tell me everyone else's business, it is none of my business and I don't want to think about it.

This is my life, my one and only life. It has not always been the best. I still make mistakes. I still make bad choices, I know this better than anyone. So think what you will, because I don't care what you think, it's none of my business. Don't worry about what I think about you. It's my life, it's my adventure and what I think is all that counts at the end of the day. Still doing it my way, regardless of what you think!!
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