Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I Hate It When That Happens

I am to the point where I seriously don't know what is up with me!  I have been doing the Atkins Diet and doing well.  Yesterday I had my Seeking Safety group and we talked about having understanding and empathy for ourselves.  We talked about food dependency and abuse and I was proud to comment positively about my tactics over the last week.
WELLLLLLLLL....for some reason, totally unknown by me I lost my every-loving mind when I got home!!!!!  
Do you every do things, hating what you are doing the whole time you are doing it?  I was cursing myself the entire time, yet I continued on.....WHY????
So now you are wondering what the hell did she do?  Sigh, I am embarrassed to tell you but I have to get it here goes.
When I got home I decided I was hungry.  I had eaten 2 boiled eggs and drank an Atkins shake before I went to group.  So I warmed up some squash from the day before and cut some pork tenderloin that I had had a couple of days ago...all perfectly fine.  BUT...I was craving those good awful carbs...yes I am a carb-aholic!!  Sooooooo I made a bag of microwave popcorn....sigh...but....I didn't stop there....all of a sudden I couldn't live without chinese food!!!!  
Yep really.....I got in the car drove to the local chinese fast food place and ordered a $5 lunch deal and a side of crab ragoon!!!!!  This lunch special comes with a soda too!!  I get back home....I fix a heaping plate, grab my soda and head to the living room.  Not even the table...really Judi??? 
The whole time I am cursing myself, questioning my motives while chowing down the food.  AFTER I was done I realized the soda wasn't even diet (I always have diet soda)!  WTF???  
I must admit I was physically and emotionally ill when I finished!  How can I do something that makes me so miserable?  Am I punishing myself in some way for my short coming?  Sabotage comes to mind.  Why would I do that to myself?
Well, it's not the end of the world, I am back on track today, hate to think of the damage I did.  
Even with all that today is another day, life is good!!!!!  Another chance to get it right!  Living for today!!!!

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